Senior Care and Nursing Homes Tomorrow

Nursing Homes: Silver Linings During COVID-19

Season 1 Episode 1

With the changing needs of today’s seniors, senior living options have expanded to bring innovative choices to those seeking resources for active senior retirement living, senior assisted living, senior memory care and senior medical support.

5 Things YOU Can Do To Help Seniors During COVID-19

The recent spread of COVID-19 has sparked a lot of fear and anxiety in the United States among nursing homes, but it has also inspired many people to step up and care for the most vulnerable populations like senior citizens and the immunocompromised.

Viral stories and videos online are showing how people are helping seniors with groceries, assisting them with technology, and having phone chats through windows to practice “social distancing.” Even celebrities like Lady Gaga and Kristen Bell are urging their millions of followers on social media to stay home and self-quarantine to help flatten the curve.

Whether you are a senior caregiver or not, there are plenty of ways you can help the most vulnerable population. Here are just a few things you can do to save a life:

1. Social Distance and Stay Home

While we recognize that staying home and social distancing will be uncomfortable and difficult for many of us, it’s currently the most proactive thing we can do to stop the spread of Coronavirus. The inconvenience of staying home to help “flatten the curve” is a very small sacrifice to make to save the lives of the Greatest Generation and those who are immunocompromised.

2. Encourage Vulnerable Loved Ones to Self-Isolate

While we don’t want to cause our loved ones to panic, it is very important to reiterate to our senior parents, grandparents, and friends to stay in their homes at this time. We know this may be more difficult for some than others, but it needs to be taken seriously.

3. Volunteer with Local Non-Profits that Serve Seniors

If you’re one of the millions of Americans currently out of work or with reduced hours and are looking for ways to help, there are organizations looking for volunteers to help reach seniors and low-income populations.

4. Donate Supplies

Here in San Diego, there are plenty of organizations looking for supplies like toilet paper, food, clothes, and cleaning supplies to distribute to those who are low-income or immunocompromised. These organizations have direct contact with San Diego’s most vulnerable.

5. Check in with the Seniors in Your Life

We challenge you to take a few moments right now to think of three seniors you know that you could reach out to today, whether it’s just a phone call to chat or if you can offer your services to them. Seniors should not leave their homes for any reason short of an emergency, so there’s plenty you can do to help them.

You can help seniors by offering to get their groceries, pick-up prescriptions, show them how to use Skype or Facetime, set them up with an in-home exercise routine, take their pets on a walk, call them daily to check-in, and even send them funny texts or mail to keep things light and encouraging.

This can be a scary time for many seniors, but there’s a lot we can do to minimize the risk and the fear. Now more than ever, you can help make a difference in the lives of the people who have given us so much. Take a moment to reach out; it could save a life.

Support the show. Content Courtesy of St. Paul's Senior Services San Diego, CA.